Our Thirty-fifth Year of Publication Volume 35, No.1
We meet at 8 pm. Location: Temple Shalom in Mill Basin Brooklyn. For those keeping score, our next meeting dates are: Monday January 20, February 17, March 17, April21, May 19 and June 16th. Imagine that warm summer sunshine, the beach, Coney Island Hot dogs and…
Next Meeting: 8 pm Monday January 20th at 8pm.
Borough Park Lodge #409 Toy Drive for 2024: We found our way through the Coney Island Hospital maze to arrive at the Pediatric Clinic run by Dr. Siegal an affable, caring and compassionate Doctor. We then proceeded to give all the children in attendance their choice of a gift. It is always heartwarming to visit and donate toys to the Children whose parents have neither the time nor inclination to go shopping. They only concern is to see their child feel better.
Have you got mail? We would like to get back to sending out Birthday and Anniversary cards. Please take a moment and email Bennett Heller your birthday and your anniversary date. Please include your spouse’s name! Bennett is at BH4860@aol.com
Opinions, discourse, and empowerment: It is very much worth noting that a well- spoken individual will always have our attention. Our support may go elsewhere but we are inclined at the very least, to listen. A clear, concise message will move people. An attorney with a limp argument has little hope for judicial intervention. The leaders among us all speak well. If they spoke poorly, they would not lead for us for long. The art of public speaking is not hereditary. There is no medicinal supplement nor magic potion. It is stand on your two feet and deliver. If you are not quite there, then you need to come to our meetings to practice.
Have you got game? Every Sunday (weather permitting) several seniors (your editor included) gather at Coney Island Park (Neptune and 27th Street) or Marine Park, to play doubles tennis. We now meet at 9 am. If you have game and would like to join us, call Fran Schwartz at 347-794-1315 for the Sunday tennis match! For Pickles contact Gus.
BnI Scholarship: Please note that the Marcus Berliner Scholarship may in fact supplant the BNI Scholarship. The Officers and Members have decided to extend the BNI Scholarship through the Fall 2024 Semester. BNI final semester will be Spring 2025 .
Burial Reservations: The cost for reservations at our cemeteries will go up with the rise in dues come January 2025. Those members with reservations will not be affected.